Here are some of my other works that I have worked on in the past to bring innovation and intrepid thinking. Simply click on the website line to take you to the website
Canoe/ Kayak Modifications
This website is dedicated to converting Canoes and Kayaks into a fishing machine. The example pic on the right is a patent pending 3 man drift boat with fishing/ leaning bar platforms for a Front and Rear fisherman. It also features a smart Stabilization outrigger, a Rowing Rig that is fully adjustable for most rowers, and an integrated anchor system with the Rowing rig. Also provided is a unique footrest that also allows reverse angle position for taking cat naps. |
Code Breaker Project
If you have golfed before or know what is involved in getting a straight ball, you probably know that one of the most critical factors for a straight ball is your club face has to be 'square' at the top of your back swing. But in reality, many golfers unknowingly have their club face open at this position. And to make matters worse, this original error occurs undetectable behind them since it is impossible to see the top of the back swing without a mirror. So, an awry ball flight - often turning into a pull to the left for right handers- is not intuitively linked to this original cause. Without this knowledge of causation, rather than fixing this club face (usually with a grip correction), the golfer will often resorts to compensations or band aids that only make the matter worse. And with band aids compounded on top of each other, the control behind this game of golf unravels and it's joy thus escapes from the golfer, driving him with further despair. His game literally and figuratively falls apart.
In parallel sense, our open club face in life is setup by our Cognitive Blindspot. This place of original cause profoundly setups the ensuing conditions that would drive us to miss the mark of joy and contentment. Code Breaker Project is a tool that progressively reveals this Cognitive blindspot. This way, we can break the tyranny of living on the handouts from one band aid after another. It returns the possibility of fullness and joy that is not possible from band aid means. Best of all, it works like one drop on the root than a 100 gallons on the leaves of a tree (small changes at the most intelligent places leads to large results). |
Inner Spirit House
Inner Spirit House is an organization that recognizes when we become whole, our world becomes whole as well. This organization is in start up phase but underneath it's infancy belies a cutting look that hold us courageous and vulnerable to our contemporary issues, river pollution included. There are unique workshops that addresses the original cause to the sea of symptoms, whether it's despoiling nature or why our current divisive state of discourse has people pushed against the wall (or checking out from being overwhelmed). Its ultimate goal is to build a conscious community that sustains, is sustainable, and that shifts from viewing issues as daunting to simply one that is reachable, bite size, and attainable through the power of intelligent action.